This video captures a golden discussion between between Jason Bermas and Author and lecturer, Dr. David Hughes that identifies the criminal, worldwide application of military-grade Fifth-Generation (5G) Warfare techniques that were, and still are being used against society in order to herd us like cattle into the global feedlot the real owners of this broken and aching world, the Thirteen Families and their agents have been building for humanity to live in for the past 100 years--their "New World Order."
It's really sad to see this all happening, but history proves that the masses has never really thirsted for truth, nor do they seem to understand when sophisticated psychological warfare techniques (PSYWAR) techniques are being used against them by those in power. Once the masses have been seduced by the controlled mainstream propaganda media into a state of mass dilusional psychosis, other well known psychological phenomena are already at work to ensure that they remain forever in that state of mind.
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