It's sad that American Christians have been so thoroughly duped into believing that when they support the criminal, illegitimate state of Israel, and the evil things that it does, that they are supporting the descendants of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, and that they are helping fulfill Bible prophecy, because they are not.
It's sad that they haven't read Revelation 2:9, which states that "I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan" or Revelation 3:9, which states "I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you."
It's sad that they don't understand that well over 90% of the so-called "Jews" who currently inhabit Israel and America are, in fact, AshkeNAZIs--Khazarians--Eastern Europeans (Caucasians originally of Turkic descent) who adopted Judaism in the 8th century AD. They are no more "Jewish" than you or I in the sense that they are somehow entitled [by right of blood inheritance] to occupy the land of Palestine than any other European who has ever converted to Judaism. If any group of Jews could claim that right, it might be the Sephardi or Mizrahi Jews who could possibly trace their lines back to ancient Israel and Judeah. However, they are treated as second-class citizens in Israel by the AshkeNAZIs who weild all political power, not only there in Israel, but here in the United States as well. Almost every key post in the Biden administration is held by an AshkeNAZI Jew.
In fact, almost all of the Zionists who were key figures in the theft of Palestine from the real Semites who had been living there for thousands of years prior to 1916, changed their Eastern European names to make them appear more Hebraic. For instance the original family name of Benjamin Netanyahu was "Mileikowsky." His father, Benzion Netanyahu, changed the family name to "Netanyahu," which means "God has given" in Hebrew. You can point to just about any figure in the Zionist movement (ANYONE), do a little reseach, and discover that they too are FAKE Jews who changed their names to hide their Khazarian heritage.
That's right, folks. The whole bloody history of the modern state of Israel is one born out of British and Rothschild family influence, mass deception of Christians, and a never-ending campaign of terror and genocide that's been continuously waged against the Palestinian people to this day by the Khazarians who pretend to be the Jews of the Bible, but are not.
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